HydraBoost Horse
Dietetic complementary feed for dehydrated horses
Nutritional objective: Compensation of electrolyte loss in the cases of heavy sweating.
HydraBoost horse supplies electrolytes, osmolytes and sugar to foals and horses.
HydraBoost horse provides a balanced, readily absorbable supply of the major electrolytes in an easy-dosing form.
- Preparation and recovery from exercise
- Before and after long duration transport
- During and after digestive upsets
- Any stressful conditions for horse
- During warm weather
60 ml syringe
Shelf life
2 years in original packaging.
Directions for use
Administration mode
Direct oral application
- Introduce the syringe on to the back of the horse’s tongue
- Administer one syringe of HydraBoost and allow the horse to swallow
- Foals : once a day – 1 to 2 days
- Young horses: once a day – 1 to 2 days
- Horses: twice a day – 1 to 2 days
Offer free access to fresh water.

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